Case I One of Finland's most popular local news portals. We have had a vital role in the development of the site. Our tasks have included logo design, concept creation, consulting, web and user interface design and web development. Case I Weekend and freetime portal with content spanning from restaurants and music events to fashion and culture. The site has been built on our easy to use content management system and allows new content to be created by both journalists and users. Case I Ipanapa Records publishes quality music for children and their parents. The site is likewise a combination of fun and games for the younger users and a place of information on music education for the parents. Sing along with the artists or play a game at Case I Agents website The Agents website was created to support the new album featuring the returning all time favorite singer, Topi Sorsakoski. The site features a complete discography with playable music clips, a merchadise store and a separate Agents radio for the user's pleasure. Case I Web site re-design and Myspace profile. » Case I Krem Trekker Diaries Interacive Web 2.0 adventure which lets its Chinese readers affect the story by voting. » Case I Mobile Business Web site for Siemens "Make your business mobile" campaing. Unfortunately the site was taken off-line but you can see some screenshots by clicking below. Case I Secco's identity The identity project included logo-design, business cards, a web site, a brochure and guidelines for using the elements in the actual shops.